22 August 2024

The Map of the Wineries

The Map of the Wineries Participating in Expo Chianti Classico 2024

Also this year there will be 64 wineries present in Piazza Matteotti for the 52nd Expo Chianti Classico.

At the stands of the wineries, which come from all over the Chianti Classico area, it will be possible to taste the latest vintages of their production and many "wine pearls" that they have in store for all those present.

To access the tastings, as usual, it is necessary to purchase the glass that includes 7 tasting tickets at the price of € 15.00
The tastings can be carried out at the Consortium Pavilion, where over 80 Chianti Classico wines are present, or directly at the stands of the wineries present. The tastings of vintage Chianti Classico are worth 1 ticket; the Riserva, Gran Selezione and Vinsanto are worth 2 tickets.

We look forward to seeing you in Greve in Chianti!

51° Expo Chianti Classico - 7/10 Settembre 2023 </br> Come partecipare
1 August 2023
51° Expo Chianti Classico - 7/10 Settembre 2023
Come partecipare
La 50° Edizione di Expo Chianti Classico torna all’antico splendore con la Cantine in piazza a far degustare i loro vini e a raccontarvi le loro grandi storie enologiche.   Ecco le
Sunday Wine Tasting from 12 pm to 7 pm
11 September 2021
Sunday Wine Tasting from 12 pm to 7 pm
The rules to participate at the Expo Chianti Classico 2021
20 August 2021
The rules to participate at the Expo Chianti Classico 2021
Anche in questo 2021 Expo Chianti Classico sarà in versione ridotta ma comunque all’insegna dei grandi vini, dello spettacolo e della sicurezza. Come al solito Piazza Matteotti sarà